Florida Nurses Foundation Scholarships

Scholarship Info


June 1, 2025

Apply/Learn More
Learn about the Florida Nurses Foundation Scholarships and apply today.

by NursePractitionerLicense.com Staff

Updated: December 12th, 2024

Scholarship Mission

To provide nursing and delivery of healthcare through the advancement of research, education and practice.

Qualification Requirements

Applicants must be enrolled in a nationally accredited nursing program, either through ACEN or CCNE accreditation; must be enrolled in an associate, baccalaureate, master’s degree nursing program, or doctoral program (nurses enrolled in doctoral programs are not restricted to nursing specialties); must have completed at least one semester in current nursing program before application date; must have resided in Florida for at least one year prior to application and must continue to reside in Florida throughout the term of the scholarship; must have a minimum 2.5 GPA for undergraduates and minimum 3.0 GPA for graduates.

Organization Information:



Email Contact:


Florida Nurses Association
1235 E Concord St.
Orlando, FL 32803

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