To encourage interest and involvement in psychoanalysis among future leaders, researchers and educators of mental health and academia.
Applicants must be nominated by their Department Chairs, Program Directors, or an APsaA member; self-nominations are encouraged; must be training or working in the United States during the fellowship year. Reapplication is permitted; Psychiatry Applicants must, at the time of application, be full-time general or child psychiatry residents, PGY-2 or higher, or fellows or psychiatrists who have become board eligible within the previous three years; must hold at least half-time academic appointments that include training, leadership, or research responsibilities during the fellowship year; psychology applicants must be at the time of the fellowship, hold at minimum a half-time position with an academic department or clinical training program and have training, leadership, or research responsibilities; psychology graduate programs must be accredited; predoctoral, must have completed required coursework and be in or beyond the predoctoral internship; postdoctoral must have received the doctoral degree or completed a postdoctoral fellowship within the past five years; social work applicants must, at the time of the fellowship, have received an M.S.W. or doctoral degree in the last five years; must enrolled in a D.S.W. or Ph.D. program must have received their M.S.W. in the last ten years; academic and multidisciplinary applicants must be individuals from academia or non-mental health professions, such as the humanities and social sciences, neuroscience, medicine, law, theology, journalism, and the arts.
Selection is based on demonstrated leadership ability in their discipline; have showed special aptitude in research, teaching, artistic, writing and/or clinical endeavors; have special interest in psychodynamics, psychoanalysis, applied psychoanalysis or community outreach/development.