Montana Nurse Practitioner Licensure

:: 2025 Guide

by Staff

Updated: February 13th, 2024

The Montana Board of Nursing is the chief regulatory body for nursing practice in the state and it is responsible for protecting the quality of nursing services provided. Hence, the board issues licenses to qualified registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice nurses (APNs) to practice within the state. Applications are sent in all year round and are reviewed thoroughly. 

The importance of certification in a discipline such as nursing cannot be overemphasized. One can further appreciate the efforts of the board when the roles of APNs are in view. Nurse Practitioners (NPs) account for the majority of APNs. They are trained and licensed to diagnose conditions based on the evaluation of the patients and requested tests. 

NPs are also equipped to prescribe medication as their license permits and their role requires. Applications for APN licenses to practice as NPs must be accompanied by proof of advanced education and national certification.

Montana NP Licensing & Scope of Work